Jesús Abad Colorado: A gaze at life profound

“Upon seeing this book it is clear that it contains more than just press documents, since instead we find an authorial eye and a life project. It is undeniable that photography and journalism play a central role in the events that mark the future of a country. And they are undoubtedly one of the threads used to weave its history. But in Colombia these events stop being a photographic instant and instead become a constant. And so the grace of the images grouped together in this edition of Jesús Abad Colorado’s work portrays the horror story in a way that allows for the awakening of a sensitivity that Colombians have erased due to being immersed in a country whose violence has not stopped for half a century.”

Arcadia Magazine, 11 December 2015

Title: Jesús Abad Colorado: A gaze at life profound.
Author: Carolina Ponce de León and Jesús Abad Colorado
Year: 2015
Format: 27.5 x 27.5 cm.
ISBN: 13: 978-958-42-48480
ISBN: 10: 958-42-4849-0
Editorial Partner: Editorial Planeta.

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